Who we are
The IFF is run by a leadership team of three volunteers: Jessica Burnett, Sofia Bottinelli, and Laurel Klafehn, who re-ignited the fund in 2022. The IFF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Our history
The current leadership team re-started operations of the bond fund after Francey Liefert and Harper Strickland decided to step away in 2021. Under their leadership, and with the support of the Namaqua Unitarian Universalist Congregation, the IFF paid the bonds of 92 people, amounting to a total of $456,500 over two years. We are grateful to all who contributed to the fund in its previous life, and look forward to continuing this work alongside you all.
Support our work
We rely on donations to pay for the release of our neighbors. We are also in the process of translating this website and our bond fund application into other languages to expand access for those who do not speak, read or write English or Spanish. If you are interested in contributing as a translator, please contact laurel@immigrantfreedomfund.org.